Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Holidays!

First of all, this month is flying by... Second of all, I cannot believe how busy we have been in the past two weeks and have so much left to do!

We are ALMOST done with our Christmas shopping, thank goodness. With my family this year, we narrow it down to eight people who are going to play the White Elephant Game to make it a little easier on all of our wallets. Hey - fine with me! So I'm focusing on the kids a little more this year, and making sure I get my husband something he wanted. It's crazy to think that Christmas is only two weeks away! We still have to get a tree! Ahh! At least I did my Christmas cards. Now I just have to mail them... eeeek!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I now pronounce you...

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Herrick!

Ok, so a little over a month as come and gone and marital bliss is upon us. Mark shared with me that his biggest concern after getting married was that our "routine" was going to change. What? Routine? We were doing the same thing the day after the wedding that we were doing a day before the wedding! Silly Mark... But in all seriousness, if I had to pick one thing that I think has changed, I would say that it's almost as if we're nicer to each other. The title of husband and wife, not to mention the rings on our fingers, has made a difference in the way we speak and treat each other, and I hope we stay that way for a very, very long time...

October 16th, 2010 was hands down the best day of my life... everything was absolutely perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything more! Thank you to everyone who was able to attend, who helped with all the details, who cried with me & laughed with me, who stood by our sides, and who shared in a memory I will never forget <3

Here are a couple wedding pictures for your viewing pleasure!


For a bit of an update since its been awhile since I've posted anything on my blog:

Thanksgiving was nice; we spent the morning & afternoon at Mark's grandparents house in Riverside. Chris, my brother-in-law was unable to attend with our precious niece Dallas, but Mark was able to see her a few days later. He cooked his first turkey and we transported it to Riverside with no problems... and it was delicious!! Way to go, babe!! Of course I debuted my famous green bean casserole for my in-law for the first time and it was, as always, excellent ;) ok, ok... I'm tootin' my own horn here, but it WAS fantastic! Not much was left over, so that was a good sign! Unfortunately, this was the first Thanksgiving in Lord knows how long... but Mark and I decided that we'll be spending Christmas with my side of the family.

We are Godparents again!!! On our wedding night, Justin pulled us aside and told us he would he honored if we would be his daughter's Godparents. Of course we said yes! Savannah was born on November 16th, 2010 (ironically enough, our one month anniversary!) and she is just precious... we have yet to meet her but Justin keeps Mark updated via photos :)

We have a busy month ahead of us; Mark's Burnouts softball team has reunited and will be playing again on Friday nights. I'm excited because I get to see everyone again! This weekend we have an Ugly Sweater Christmas Party to go to, THAT should be fun! Then Monday night is my company Holiday party for work, next weekend is the Toys for Tots softball tournament, Kayla's birthday, and Mark's Godfather's wedding in Arrowhead. The following weekend is Donelle's dance show, then Christmas, then New Years Eve... ahh! This month is going to FLY by and next thing you know it will be 2011!

2011 marks my quarter-of-a-century turning point with my 25th birthday mid January... at least I'll be able to rent a car now, right?


Saturday, October 9, 2010

One more day...

& then I'll be off for nine days! Woo-hoo!

Today marks one week until our wedding. I can't begin to imagine what I will be doing next week at this particular moment in time because everytime I do, I get those excitement butterflies in my belly and it makes me want to scream like a little girl...

Tomorrow is my last day at work and then I can FINALLY cash in on my vacation days :) I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to go by sooooo ssslllooowww. Monday night my bridal party is coming over to discuss what the week shall hold for us. I just want to make sure everyone is on the same page with plans. Aunt Dini & Uncle Rick come in Wednesday. I am going to buy all the flowers Thursday morning and have the girls come over that night to put them all together. (PS, did you know you treat callalillies like asparagus? You can keep them in the crisper in your fridge as long as there is no apples, pineapples, etc. in there) Friday we are all going to get our nails done in the morning, and my two Aunts come in from Michigan as well, decorate the ballroom, do the rehearsal, go out for a drink, GET SOME SLEEP, and wake up to October 16th, 2010. My wedding day...

Sounds like I am going to have a busy, busy week. So much for "vacation", right?


Thursday, October 7, 2010

We're in the homestretch!

So the OFFICIAL countdown has begun: 9 days!!!

Things are going so well right now, and I seem to be keeping my cool. We had a couple of mishaps along the road these past few weeks but it's nothing we can't handle! Our DJ up and moved to another state and with the help of a friend of Mark's who owns a media company, we got that problem resolved quickly. Special thanks to Multimedia Unlimited, LLC who took over our event at the last minute! I have faith in them and am sure they will do a great job!
& for everyone reading, please keep our friend Shaun's family in your prayers. They had a family tragedy this past week and could use all of our thoughts and prayers. Shaun has stepped out of the wedding to be there for his family and we wish them happy thoughts and strength as they get through the next couple weeks. Justin, a long time friend of Mark's has graciously accepted Mark's invite to join us in the wedding party. Welcome, Justin!
I picked up my wedding dress yesterday and it looks BEAUTIFUL! Actually, that word does it no justice. It's absolutely amazing and fits like a charm. THAT was my biggest concern. After all the issues we had with the dress and taking it to the tailors and back to David's Bridal and yada yada, everything worked out perfectly. & I cannot wait to show Mark as I walk down that aisle... truest me, he is anxiously waiting to see what the big hype was all about anyway.
I ordered my bouquet and Mark's boutonniere this week. Another special thanks to Dave Rohr at Desert Floral Importers for working with me last minute. I originally wanted to do all my own flowers, but second guessed myself about my bouquet. Besides, I'm the bride - shouldn't I get professional flowers?!
I am working until Sunday and then have 10 days off to finished up wedding details and whatnot. My Aunt Dini, my mom's sister, comes in on Wednesday for 10 days and my Aunt Marlene & Aunt Micky, my dad's sisters, come in on Friday for 4 days. Words cannot express how excited I am to see my family!!! It's been 4 1/2 years since I've seen Aunty Dini and over a year and a half since I've seen Aunt Marlene and Aunt Micky! Not to mention, the last time my dad's sisters were out here was for my high school graduation (and let's not count the years here...but it's been awhile) when it was the beginning of summer and 105 degrees outside!
Speaking of weather, we have been BLESSED with gorgeous weather lately... I actually wear a sweater around the house in the morning since I've been opening up the windows and doors lately! I hope the weather continues to stay cool and we don't get last minute rain like last week!!! C'MON MOTHER NATURE! WORK WITH ME HERE!

...will update later this week on any new and exciting wedding details. I'm sure I'll have more to share!


PS: wanna hear a funny story?! Mark and I counted our final guest list tally, turned it in, PAID for it, and......... forgot to count ourselves in the total! Who does that?! WE DO.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dun, dun, DUN DUN! Dun, dun, DUN DUNNN!


& tonight is the bachelor/bachelorette party! My girlfriends are sooo excited :) Although, Mark and I are so burnt out, it's safe to say we kind of want tonight to come and go... I'm glad he gets to have a night full of testosterone; I think every man needs a dose of that every now and then, right ladies? Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to go out

I'm not too sure what the exact plan is for tonight. I just asked that all the girls meet at the Herrick residence to start. We'll have a little bite to eat and some pre-party cocktails, and then it's off to downtown we go! My bridal party initially wanted to take me out of town, and I'm so glad we decided not to do that because I am exhausted. These next three weeks are going to FLY by and next thing I know I will be a married woman!



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Showered with L.O.V.E

What a weekend!

My bridal shower was on Saturday, and we had SO much fun! On the way down there, I was shaking nervously. I am not one to be the center of attention so the excitement and the nervousness was making me nauseous. But Ashley did a great job putting it all together with the help of my bridesmaids :) We ate, drank, played games, etc. etc. and I couldn't have asked for anything more... It was so great to see my girlfriends, my family, my in-laws, and to meet Mark's two Aunts that I've never met before.

So now, we have my bachelorette party this weekend, and I cannot wait to be out with my girlfriends! It's been awhile since I had a night out with all the girls... we always have so much fun! I'm feelin' a little karaoke?! Mark's bachelor party is the same night. A little nervous? Why, yes, I am. But aren't all future wives when it comes to the dreaded 'bachelor party'?! 90% of the guys at the bachelor party have wives/girlfriends/fiances that will be with me... haha!

Ashley's dress came in...FINALLY. She isn't too happy with it, but I'm sure the seamstress will take good care of her. It's a beautiful gown, but it needs to be taken in, A LOT. It will all work out, I have faith. The color of the girls' dresses is just amazing. It is exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately, Signature Bridal was the only place we found a dress in that color. I will NEVER buy anything from them again...ever... It seems like no one there knows what the heck is going on. When it comes to planning a wedding, you would think they would have their stuff together and do anything to make things go smoothly, but they don't even seem like they care. The dress is a sale to them, nothing more.

Over the weekend, every time the word MARRIAGE came out of my mouth, Mark grinned... too cute ;)


23 days...


Thursday, September 16, 2010


OK - The OFFICIAL countdown has begun: exactly ONE MONTH until our wedding! Isn't that exciting?!

Monday, Kayla and I ventured out in search for a dress for me for my bridal shower this Saturday. Luck? Kinda. I found a great dress, and a total steal if you ask me, but Ashley said it's not "center of attention enough" or something like that. She wanted me to be a little more girly that what this dress did for me. But hey, it's a Kenneth Cole dress that was on sale. So imma keepin' it. Bachelorette night, perhaps? So Ashley and I decided we were going to find a different dress, of which we actually did. But it's still black ;) and it has some flowery design on it, so it's a bit more girly than my other dress. Oh! And I bought a pair of fabulous shoes! And a new blouse! Can we say spoiled? Yes, we can. And it's about time!

Tuesday, Mark and I went and got our marriage license! He's been calling me his "half-wife" ever since, haha :) He tells me, "you know, we could save thousands of dollars if you just let Josh and a witness sign this..." Unfortunatley, I won't give him that satisfaction.

I'm excited about my bridal shower! And the weekend after that is my bachelorette party, and then three weeks after that is my wedding! Woo-Hoo!!!


Friday, September 10, 2010

Last night I asked Mark if he was excited about the wedding coming up so quickly, and he nodded his head. For a second there, I thought he was only saying that just because he knows I wanted to hear it until I saw him smile. He asked me if I was excited and of course I told him I was, and all of a sudden a wave of emotion came over me and I almost wanted to cry... in a little over a month, everything I ever wanted will be happening. All this hard work, stress, money, time, and everything else we have been working on will soon be worth it. I can't wait to have all of our closest friends and our family in one room on our night. OUR NIGHT. The one night everyone will be there for US. Mr & Mrs. Mark and Jessica Herrick. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many weddings I've been to, or been in for that matter, where I sat there and watched the two people in love dance and laugh the night away. And we will be doing the same thing in thirty six days. Thirty six.

I'm taking my dress back to David's Bridal. I know, I know... I'm stubborn and difficult sometimes, but hey - at least they know how to bustle it. AND they insure the dress just in case anything else happens to it before the wedding day. They spot check it and steam in, ready to be worn, and to me it's worth it. I was going to have to (still) find someone who knows how to do the french bustle and take it out, and then take it to a dry cleaners to be cleaned since somewhere along my tailor journey my train was stepped on. And if I take it back to David's, they will do it for me. All in all, I will be paying the same amount, if not more when all is said and done. And my friend so graciously asked if she could pay for the alterations as my bridal shower gift and I so stubbornly told her I wouldn't dream of letting her pay for the whole thing. Shoot, I was already going to pay for the alterations myself anyway, so we agreed upon going in halfsies...kinda. ;)

Monday I'll be out on my journey to find a bridal shower dress. I used to always get nervous for my birthday parties, only because believe it or not, I hate being the center of attention. So Saturday is going to be a struggle! On Tuesday, Mark and I are going to get our marriage license... exciting, huh?!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

T minus...

10 days until my Bridal Shower.
17 days until our bachelor/bachelorette parties.
38 days until our wedding.
39 days until I wake up relieved, a Mrs., and most importantly, next to my husband.

Long weekend. BBQing, friends, laziness. The best part? I didn't have to clean myhouse or go to Wal-Mart! Allelujah!
I spent my Labor Day exactly the way I was supposed to: doing nothing. & Yesterday I spent my morning with my handsome little red-headed nephew, until his play date came over! Heather brought down Madeline and the boys and Nathaniel and Madeline got to play together for the first time... Our flower girl and ring bearer...
Yesterday afternoon, Heather and I took Madeline and the boys out to look for a dress for my princess Madeline :) We found one! She is going to be a STUNNING flower girl! After that, we took her to Chuck E. Cheese's for pizza and games... Then the "real life Chuck" came out for a visit and suprised her with a hug!
She kept telling him to follow her to look at HER games... it was the cutest thing EVER! Heather and I had a great time together & both agreed that we definitely have to do this kind of thing more often :)

Three out of 4 of my bridesmaids picked up their dresses last week and they look great! I am so excited about the color, it couldn't be more perfect! My sister still needs to pick hers up and my maid of honor's still needs to be shipped. We all know what happens when Signature Bridal doesnt give me the answer I want... haha :)


Friday, September 3, 2010

Ok, so time is of the essence here, right? So why do I feel like I'm running out of it, but it's going by so slow... Although, it's already September 3rd, 2010. Is it me, or doesn't that seem weird? (Ps. Yesterday was 90210 day... get it? 9-02-10. Eh, I saw it online from some website... thought it was interesting and a bit blog-worthy.)

 I'm tired. Still. No matter what I do to try and relax, I have a MILLION things running through my head at any given second throughout the day. Poor Mark. He thinks there is something physically wrong with me... around 7pm every night I'm pretty much ready for bed, but I force myself to stay up until at least 9:45/10:00pm so I don't wake up at 5am. Although, I am already waking up at least once in the middle of the night tossing and turning so what does it matter... I'll be so much more "less stressed" once the wedding is paid off and over with. Don't get me wrong, I'm  SUPER EXCITED about my upcoming wedding day, but it is SO much work.

Bridesmaids dresses are in! Kayla called yesterday and they had them in. Of course they didn't call like they were supposed to. I want to go in with one of my girls to pick theirs up so they can physically see how ANGRY I am with them. I hope they didn't think I was kidding when I said wasn't happy... because I'll show them my 'not happy' face and it ain't gonna be pretty. Ashley's dress BETTER be here in time.

Issues with my dress are persistent. I have been to about 5 tailors and NO ONE knows how to do a French bustle. Forget taking the sides out; anyone can let a wedding dress out. But the bustle is my main concern. So I have a couple more tailors to ask, and if not one can do it I have two options: take it back to David's Bridal or carry my train around. Decisions, decisions.

Labor Day BBQ at Case de Herrick. Well, for my girls at least. They pretty much invited themselves over, like they need an invitation, right? I just want the weekend to go by so Monday morning arrives fast. I GET TO SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP INNNNNNNN! Woop! Mark and I have a day off together, get to wake up together, have breakfast together, spend the day together..... AND I CAN'T WAIT.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Listen up people...


I remember looking at the calendar and seeing the number in the eighties and thinking, wow! that is so far away... we have so much time. But 49 days?! Oh My Goodness, it's right around the corner...

Besides the drama with Ashley's dress and taking mine in for alterations, our next task in making it down to the Indio Courthouse for our marriage license. I think after we get it, THEN I will feel like I'm getting married. At this point, I just feel tired and stressed like I'm planning a party or something. But it's our WEDDING for crying out loud! I feel like there are still endless things for me to get done, but in all actuality, we're almost done. I have a few decoration loose ends to tie up and finalize, making sure the dress situations are running smoothly, and I still have to take my ring in to be properly sized, polished, and have the prongs tightened. Exciting, isn't it?!

Oh, how I long for a day off where I can sleep in and wake up sleepy eyed and warm, cuddling next to my love. Perhaps I try and take tomorrow off. He has a three day holiday weekend coming up, and I am almost booked solid in September with dog sitting jobs (gotta pay off this wedding somehow, right?!) and bridal events. And once October hits, we are going to be running around like chickens with our heads cut off finalizing everything for the "big day" so there will be no time to relax. But let me tell you, the day after our wedding will be the best feeling since the night before when we said I DO. Like the WORLD is lifted off of our shoulders. And Mark and I vowed that we are going to spoil ourselves after this wedding is over... because gosh darnit, WE DESERVE IT.

PS. Shout out to Jean, since I know she actually reads this rambling blog! Love you, girlie!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

yelling and screaming and dresses, oh my!

It is my firm belief that any Bride-to-Be should have a guaranteed, 100% free, unlimited & refillable prescription to anti anxiety medications. Who's with me?!

My dress came in and I am unfortunately going to have to have it altered on the sides at the bust line, along with my bustle. And unfortunately David's Bridal will NOT be getting my business. On top of paying a ridiculous amount of money for the dress itself, they were going to charge me $170 dollars for more alterations. First of all, I WANTED to order the next size up to have a little wiggle room, but nooooooooo, I left it up to the "professionals" to decide, and of course they want to squeeze every last dime out of you, let alone squeeze you into the original dress. SO, I will be taking my business else where, where they aren't going to charge me my first born child to fix a dress size that I didn't want to order in the first place. UGHHH.

Signature Bridal (yeah, that's right, I'm giving them their not-so-well deserved shout out) called me to let me know that "there was a flaw in Ashley, your maid of honor's, dress and it will not be arriving until the first week of October." I firmly replied with, "LADY, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE OUT OF YOUR MIND." They haven't seen Bridezilla until they see me, and let me tell you... after ripping them a you-know-what, and ME telling THEM how it's going to be, if they call me one more time to give me some lame excuse about a flaw in the fabric, so help me God, none of them will have heads after I leave that store. I told her that it is 100% her responsibility to get that dress to me by the end of this month and Ashley will be her number one priority for alterations after that. She will be in the day the dress comes in and it will be done BEFORE the first week in October. MY FLIPPING WEDDING IS THE SECOND WEEK OF OCTOBER. I told her this was all unacceptable, and I don't care who has to do what, but I want that dress by the end of this month. She continued to tell me the same story over and over again until I cut her off telling her we spent more that $1000 dollars in that store and although she says it takes 12-14 weeks to get any bridesmaids dresses in, we ordered the damn dress 12 weeks ago, and after October will be more then 14 weeks. Ashley hasn't even tried the dress on for crying out loud! She took a risk ordering it because THEY didn't have it in stock, and she is paying a hell of a lot of money for it in the first place for them to be making mistakes. In closing, I simply told her, "This is UNACCEPTABLE. You WILL have that dress to me by the end of September, and it will be YOUR responsibility to get it here. I don't want to hear anything else out of your mouth. The day that dress comes in, Ashley will be there for alterations, and she will be your NUMBER ONE PRIORITY."

By the time I got off the phone, by blood pressure was sky rocketing.

So now, after I get off of work, I will drive down to David's Bridal and pick up my wedding dress. Monday morning I am going to go to a recommended alterations place with hopes that it will be somewhat cheaper. Because quite frankly, I just might have to start paying these people with my unborn children because we are running out of money here, with all the damn vultures and all.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


MY WEDDING DRESS IS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We are coming SO close to the wedding and I am really starting to get excited :) I mailed out the invitations on Monday, went cake tasting and decided on a cake yesterday, and just got word that my wedding dress is in today! Wow... everything is actually happening. We are actually getting married. And I can't believe it's right around the corner...

The excitement is almost unbearable; I just want to jump up and down like a little girl and express all this built up excitement with screeches and screams, loud and clear, from the top to the bottom of my lungs!


Ps. Had fun with my little Pumpkin Head during the past two days... He is just too damn cute :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

55 days & counting...

Everything seems to be falling into place quite perfectly! Too perfectly, I should say... & it's beginning to make me a little nervous. You know, like, when something is too good to be true? Or if it seems to good to be true, it usually is? Ahhh, old wives tales, how you threaten me! I am staying on top of my game to make sure everything goes smoothly, or at least damn close to it.

My last task that is making me nervous is my flowers. I can't justify spending $540 on something that we are only going to see for ONE DAY and is going to DIE the next. First of all, I don't even like fresh flowers because they remind me of my mom's funeral. Second of all, that's a HELL of a lot of money! So here is the plan: we will take a trip to Costco the week (probably a couple days before) of the wedding and pick out some flowers for the bridesmaid's bouquets and perhaps slight decorations. I am going to buy a full orchid plant and clip the orchid flowers and make the groomsmen's boutiniers. The lattace arch will be silk flowers, and the head table will have small orchid plants on it, as the rest of the center pieces are candles. My bouquet, of course, will be real :) Sounds simple, right? RIGHT.

I'm feeling a little run down now that we are coming to the end of the planning process. I am going cake tasting with my suedo-mom, Jolene, on Tuesday and that's basically the last 'important wedding essential' thing I have to do. All the boys went and had their measurements for their tuxedos (btw, I am SO excited to see all the handsome men all dressed up, especially Mark!) and the girls' dresses should be in the last week of August or beginning September, same with my dress. Invitations are going out tomorrow morning, and RSVPs should be in by the middle of September. We will meet with David, the wedding coordinator, mid September with the final numbers and to discuss the menu. We finally have a DJ! Mark's friend from work is giving us a FAB deal, which I am extrememely thankful for, so we finished our music list, and have yet to make the timed list as in the entrance and specific dances, and so on and so forth. Mark's wedding band looks great! He is really excited about it, and it looks so cute on his "little sausage finger" (haha, that's what I tell him his fingers look like ;) ) and I have to take mine in to be polished and resized. & We will be taking the journey to the Indio Courthouse to get our marriage license in a couple weeks.  Wow, I guess I still have a little more to do than I thought...!

Here comes the ulcer again...


Thursday, August 19, 2010

It has been a LONG weekend/week thus far. I would be okay if I never had to drive out of town again!

We drove up to Riverside to spend the day and have lunch with Mark's grandpa who celebated his 89th birthday on Sunday! Happy Birthday, Grandpa! Mark's brother, Chris, came up with the baby, too. I could not believe how excited Grandma and Grandpa were to see baby Dallas, their great-grandaughter :) Look at the smile on Grandpa's face!

Gma & Gpa Kruse with Baby Dallas
Chris and Gramby with Dallas

I spent most of Monday with my future mother-in-law, Pat, running errands until Nathaniel got sick in the middle of the bank. What a learning experience for me! At least I know now the signs he gives me when he doesn't feel good :( I'm quite positive it was the humidity and in-and-out of the car all morning that upset his stomach... but let me tell you, it wasn't pretty! Special thanks to Pat and the girls at the bank for cleaning it up and understanding while I took Nathaniel to the bathroom and cleaned both him and I up! My poor little pumpkin head... By the time I got him wiped down, he looked at me and started laughing! The next day when Ashley dropped him back off he was as good as new, "Spongebob, Nina, SPONGEBOB!" So we enjoyed some snuggle time on the couch...

He loves his Aunty Nin <3
Gotta get me some lime green flip flops!!!

So after driving to Anaheim for Mark's tournament, Beaumont & Redlands for the boys, Riverside for Grandpa's birthday, Mark calls me on Tuesday (my last day off to do nothing...) and asks me if I would do his boss a favor and drive one of their new cars to San Diego and a different car back for the dealership. Of course! How could I say no to a guy who's helped us out with the wedding so much already?!

Needless to say, is it Sunday (my Friday) yet?!


Ps. Alan's memorial service was yesterday. It was beautiful... and I got to see his fiance, Brandy. Many thoughts and prayers going their way during this time.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

To the Wedding God's above...

...after work, I am paying the remaining balance on my wedding dress. Let's pray that the arrival date is at least a couple weeks before my wedding, and even in that case, pray that I find a super fast seamstress to attach my bustle. *whrew* a few beads of sweat just fell from my head.

Who knew that planning/paying for a wedding would either 1. give you a heart attack or 2. give you an ulcer by your wedding day?!

My plan: one day at a time. & I plan to execute the afore mentioned "plan" to the best of ability.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Angels & Sunburns

If you were wondering if it is possible for ONLY your forearms to be sunburned, you long awaited questions is answered: yes. & I have the proof.

Yesterday was the happiest day of Mark's life (at least until he marries me!). He actually got to play in the Angels Stadium that he grew up watching on TV and from afar. He was given the opportunity to play a softball tournament for the St. Jude's Children's Hospital Charity Softball Tournament, via his manager and GM from work, Larry and Orie. The tournament consists of three games, and the winner of the tournament is based on how many runs were brought in. Mark's team came in FIRST PLACE, bringing in 50 runs total. He was excited that out of 50 runs, seven of them were his home runs! For not playing softball in awhile, he was definitely on his game. We traveled out there with his GM, Orie, and his boss & his wife, Larry and Candace. We had a great time, especially Candace and I playing paparazzi. (Pictures to come!)

On a not-so-chipper note,
I lost a good acquaintance this past weekend. Alan Gerber, who was engaged to a friend of mine and whom I worked with for the past two years, passed away over the weekend. Unfortunately, as it seems, he took his life on Saturday evening at his home. My heart aches for his fiance Brandy, her family, and his family as well. My thoughts and prayers are with all of them as they go through the hardest time of their life. Rest in Peace, Alan...


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Life: expect the unexpected

66 days & counting.

For the first time in I couldn't tell you how long, I accepted the fact that I needed a break. I actually used my days off from work to my advantage and only did the minimal housework I needed to do. In fact, during one of my days off I spent the entire day in my bat cave laying on the couch. & You know what? I loved every second of it.

66 days. WOW. The excitement comes in waves; this morning I was blow drying my hair and thought to myself what it was going to be like the morning of my wedding day doing that very same thing and a wave of excitement rushed over me, giving me a few little butterflies in my stomach while Mark slept so peacefully in our bed in the next room over. Everything still seems so surreal sometimes. I have found someone, and no matter who you ask, they will tell you, "I can't see you with anyone else for the rest of your life except Mark." THAT is a wonderful thing to hear, especially when I feel the exact same way. And isn't that what I'm supposed to feel like? Isn't that what marriage is? What love is? I constantly repeat to myself sometimes: I am getting married. I AM getting married. I AM GETTING MARRIED?! Why yes, yes I am. I am the future Mrs. Jessica Ann Herrick. It has a nice ring to it, dontcha think?

Today's tasks to be accomplished: music list, cake ideas, & floral arrangements.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baby Fever


It's been baby fever around here, let me tell you! We had such a busy week with babies, hospital visits, births, phone calls, check up visits... I'm exhausted! If I could take my coffee intravenously, trust me I would.

So Heather & Jake have comfortably made it home and I can't wait until Monday when I can go back up to Beaumont to visit them! Those boys take my breath away... so I have NO PROBLEM driving up there to go see them :) Besides, I want to help Heather with errands, laundry, cleaning, etc. because Lord knows it is NOT going to be easy with 3 little darlings to look after.

Mark is absolutely IN LOVE with our little niece, Dallas. She is the cutest little tiny bundle of adorable-ness I have ever held in my hands. And Mark and I literally argue over holding her. Ridiculous, I know, but if you saw this little girl in person, you would want to scoop up all 6lbs of her porcelain doll looking self, too, trust me. Chris, Misty, & Dallas are home from the hospital as well, although it didn't take them long to meander over to our house :) And once Ashley got word of the baby coming over, she was over faster than you can say zippitydodah five times rapid speed. She, too, is having baby fever... but Nathaniel is more than a good toddler fix for me for the time being. That kid beats me up, tackles me, kisses me, and I love every second of it.

So after this week, the burning question is, "when are you and Mark going to have a baby?"

Answer: When God says we are ready to.


PS. Here are a couple of pictures of Dallas from their visit last night... 

Dallas 8.6.2010

Dallas 8.6.2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

& we have a new niece!

...and she arrived yesterday afternoon, to Mark's brother, parents
Chris Herrick & Misty Murphy
Little Miss Dallas Rayne Herrick, 5lbs 7oz :)
a tiny little bundle of cuteness!
Mom, Dad, & Baby Dallas are doing great!

& here she is!

Dallas Rayne Herrick, 5lbs 7oz

Proud Papa, Chris & Little Dallas

Already a lady, crossing her legs!

Uncle Mark & his new neice, Dallas <3

Amy & Chris Howe welcomed a BABY GIRL (i KNEW it!), Macie Anne Howe, 8lbs exactly, in Thousand Oaks, because just like Amy predicted, she went into labor while in LA and couldn't make it back into Palm Springs... CONGRATULATIONS AMY & CHRIS! Pictures to come :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Indroducing the Morse Boys: Ethan Richard & Dillon Jacob

Ladies & Gentlemen,

At approximately 2:59pm and 3:00pm on Monday August 2nd, 2010, Jake & Heather Morse welcomed two precious little baby boy bundles of joy!
Baby A (born at 2:59pm) was 7lbs 10oz Ethan Richard Morse
Baby B (born at 3:00pm) was 6lbs 14oz Dylan Jacob Morse

***No word on baby Dallas or Baby X yet... But I can't wait!

Here are some pictures from our eventful day!


Ethan Richard Morse
Dillon Jacob Morse
Proud Papa with Dillon
Proud Mama with Ethan

The New Additions to the Morse Family!
The Day the Boys Were Born!
Mark & I with the Boys!
Mark & his new Nephews!

The Guys celebrating in the parking lot :)
Big Sister Madeline

Monday, August 2, 2010

Twins! Dallas! & Baby X!

Today is going to be great! My beautiful friend Heather will give birth to her beautiful twin boys... & I for one CANNOT WAIT to see them :)

Names & Pictures to follow...

Also due this week is my future brother-in-law and his girlfriend with Baby Dallas Rayne. And my really good friend, Amy, with her second little bundle of joy; her baby is coming as cute as can be, a boy or a girl? We'll have to wait and see! My guess: another girl. & her name will be Macie <3 Big sister Makena can't wait to see her either!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

My First Blog!

As far back as I can remember, I was never good at keeping journals, needless to say I was always paranoid that either my mother or my big brother would find it and read my deepest, darkest secrets I could only tell my 'journal'. But here I am now, grown up and on the road to marriage, and thinking it's about time I wake up and smell the 21st Century and get with technology! Time to start a BLOG...

I decided to create this blog, because 1. I find myself quite addicted to Facebook and this gives me a reason to stay off of that website and focus on something else, and 2. because I thought it would be fun to let all of you in on what's going on in my life, from family, to pictures, to up-to-date wedding details.


It's wasn't until recently that the word WEDDING would give me butterflies... As a little girl, you dream of finding "the one" and planning your wedding with your closest girlfriends on what your wedding dress will look like and what your bridesmaids will wear and what kind of flowers you love. And then it happens in what seems like an instant; everything you've ever dreamed of is coming true. Granted, I never realized how expensive it would be and how much work it consists of, but in the long run I know EVERYTHING will be worth it. Once I see the look in Mark's eyes when I walk down that isle, nothing else will matter to me anymore. That will be the first day of the rest of our lives.
