Saturday, August 28, 2010

Listen up people...


I remember looking at the calendar and seeing the number in the eighties and thinking, wow! that is so far away... we have so much time. But 49 days?! Oh My Goodness, it's right around the corner...

Besides the drama with Ashley's dress and taking mine in for alterations, our next task in making it down to the Indio Courthouse for our marriage license. I think after we get it, THEN I will feel like I'm getting married. At this point, I just feel tired and stressed like I'm planning a party or something. But it's our WEDDING for crying out loud! I feel like there are still endless things for me to get done, but in all actuality, we're almost done. I have a few decoration loose ends to tie up and finalize, making sure the dress situations are running smoothly, and I still have to take my ring in to be properly sized, polished, and have the prongs tightened. Exciting, isn't it?!

Oh, how I long for a day off where I can sleep in and wake up sleepy eyed and warm, cuddling next to my love. Perhaps I try and take tomorrow off. He has a three day holiday weekend coming up, and I am almost booked solid in September with dog sitting jobs (gotta pay off this wedding somehow, right?!) and bridal events. And once October hits, we are going to be running around like chickens with our heads cut off finalizing everything for the "big day" so there will be no time to relax. But let me tell you, the day after our wedding will be the best feeling since the night before when we said I DO. Like the WORLD is lifted off of our shoulders. And Mark and I vowed that we are going to spoil ourselves after this wedding is over... because gosh darnit, WE DESERVE IT.

PS. Shout out to Jean, since I know she actually reads this rambling blog! Love you, girlie!


1 comment:

  1. Haha I love you too!

    Your wedding will be EPIC...the bridal party will see to it :)

    <3 Jean
