Thursday, August 19, 2010

It has been a LONG weekend/week thus far. I would be okay if I never had to drive out of town again!

We drove up to Riverside to spend the day and have lunch with Mark's grandpa who celebated his 89th birthday on Sunday! Happy Birthday, Grandpa! Mark's brother, Chris, came up with the baby, too. I could not believe how excited Grandma and Grandpa were to see baby Dallas, their great-grandaughter :) Look at the smile on Grandpa's face!

Gma & Gpa Kruse with Baby Dallas
Chris and Gramby with Dallas

I spent most of Monday with my future mother-in-law, Pat, running errands until Nathaniel got sick in the middle of the bank. What a learning experience for me! At least I know now the signs he gives me when he doesn't feel good :( I'm quite positive it was the humidity and in-and-out of the car all morning that upset his stomach... but let me tell you, it wasn't pretty! Special thanks to Pat and the girls at the bank for cleaning it up and understanding while I took Nathaniel to the bathroom and cleaned both him and I up! My poor little pumpkin head... By the time I got him wiped down, he looked at me and started laughing! The next day when Ashley dropped him back off he was as good as new, "Spongebob, Nina, SPONGEBOB!" So we enjoyed some snuggle time on the couch...

He loves his Aunty Nin <3
Gotta get me some lime green flip flops!!!

So after driving to Anaheim for Mark's tournament, Beaumont & Redlands for the boys, Riverside for Grandpa's birthday, Mark calls me on Tuesday (my last day off to do nothing...) and asks me if I would do his boss a favor and drive one of their new cars to San Diego and a different car back for the dealership. Of course! How could I say no to a guy who's helped us out with the wedding so much already?!

Needless to say, is it Sunday (my Friday) yet?!


Ps. Alan's memorial service was yesterday. It was beautiful... and I got to see his fiance, Brandy. Many thoughts and prayers going their way during this time.

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