Sunday, January 30, 2011

2011... here we come!

I really wish I was better at updating this... It's always in the back of my mind; I promise I will be a little more proactive!

The holidays were great! We had Christmas at Kim & Marc's house and it was probably one of the best family gatherings we've ever had. The kids really made my night; watching their faces when they opened their gift was priceless :) Us adults played the White Elephant game and I ended up with a griddle, haha! That was fine with me because I didn't have one. And ironically enough, Mark made out with one of the presents that we brought to the game... I got him an iPod touch for Christmas, and we brought a portable mp3 console so it worked out in his favor! He got me a BEAUTIFUL diamond necklace in the shape of a key, amongst other fun things :)and I absolutely love it & I don't think I've taken it off since Christmas morning! Mark's uncle (& Godfather) got married in the beginning of December up in Arrowhead. On the way out there we stopped at his grandparent's house to visit and exchange gifts since we weren't going there for Christmas this year. The wedding was nice, and there was still a little snow on the mountain!


My brother and sister-in-law had their baby girl on the 30th! She is absolutely adorable :) Here are a couple pictures of little miss Karma Rains Fortune...


 Mark and I had such a busy month, I'm not sure where it went. Between starting softball on Friday nights again, Christmas parties, and family gatherings, the next thing I knew, it was New Year's Eve!
We spent New Year's Eve at Sheryl & Gus' house and had a great time. Only in the desert will a group of grown men play beer pong in the garage with the garage door open on the one night that it drops down to 35 degrees! It was super cold and I wasn't drinking because I had to work the next morning so I decided to spend most of the evening by the fireplace :)

January is a busy month for birthdays! My nephew, Tyler, turned 22 (which I'm still in denial about...) and my sister, Kim, turned... well... that's not important (you're welcome, Kim!). I hit my "quarter of a century, 'you're closer to 50 than the day you were born' mark" a couple weeks ago. My husband completely spoiled me! He got me a really nice Coach purse, a cute pair of pajamas, and one of each of my favorite soda's from Michigan called Faygo! He sent me flowers at work and took me out to dinner at my favorite Chinese restaurant. It was an amazing birthday :) The following weekend a big group of my friends got together and went out for Mexican food and to a bar downtown. We had such a fun time! The next morning Heather, Jake, Mark and I met my nieces and Nathaniel for breakfast. It was such a beautiful day and a great way to end my birthday week :)

So, here we are, wrapping up January and the first month of 2011. I feel that this will be a good year for us...


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