Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Holidays!

First of all, this month is flying by... Second of all, I cannot believe how busy we have been in the past two weeks and have so much left to do!

We are ALMOST done with our Christmas shopping, thank goodness. With my family this year, we narrow it down to eight people who are going to play the White Elephant Game to make it a little easier on all of our wallets. Hey - fine with me! So I'm focusing on the kids a little more this year, and making sure I get my husband something he wanted. It's crazy to think that Christmas is only two weeks away! We still have to get a tree! Ahh! At least I did my Christmas cards. Now I just have to mail them... eeeek!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I now pronounce you...

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Herrick!

Ok, so a little over a month as come and gone and marital bliss is upon us. Mark shared with me that his biggest concern after getting married was that our "routine" was going to change. What? Routine? We were doing the same thing the day after the wedding that we were doing a day before the wedding! Silly Mark... But in all seriousness, if I had to pick one thing that I think has changed, I would say that it's almost as if we're nicer to each other. The title of husband and wife, not to mention the rings on our fingers, has made a difference in the way we speak and treat each other, and I hope we stay that way for a very, very long time...

October 16th, 2010 was hands down the best day of my life... everything was absolutely perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything more! Thank you to everyone who was able to attend, who helped with all the details, who cried with me & laughed with me, who stood by our sides, and who shared in a memory I will never forget <3

Here are a couple wedding pictures for your viewing pleasure!


For a bit of an update since its been awhile since I've posted anything on my blog:

Thanksgiving was nice; we spent the morning & afternoon at Mark's grandparents house in Riverside. Chris, my brother-in-law was unable to attend with our precious niece Dallas, but Mark was able to see her a few days later. He cooked his first turkey and we transported it to Riverside with no problems... and it was delicious!! Way to go, babe!! Of course I debuted my famous green bean casserole for my in-law for the first time and it was, as always, excellent ;) ok, ok... I'm tootin' my own horn here, but it WAS fantastic! Not much was left over, so that was a good sign! Unfortunately, this was the first Thanksgiving in Lord knows how long... but Mark and I decided that we'll be spending Christmas with my side of the family.

We are Godparents again!!! On our wedding night, Justin pulled us aside and told us he would he honored if we would be his daughter's Godparents. Of course we said yes! Savannah was born on November 16th, 2010 (ironically enough, our one month anniversary!) and she is just precious... we have yet to meet her but Justin keeps Mark updated via photos :)

We have a busy month ahead of us; Mark's Burnouts softball team has reunited and will be playing again on Friday nights. I'm excited because I get to see everyone again! This weekend we have an Ugly Sweater Christmas Party to go to, THAT should be fun! Then Monday night is my company Holiday party for work, next weekend is the Toys for Tots softball tournament, Kayla's birthday, and Mark's Godfather's wedding in Arrowhead. The following weekend is Donelle's dance show, then Christmas, then New Years Eve... ahh! This month is going to FLY by and next thing you know it will be 2011!

2011 marks my quarter-of-a-century turning point with my 25th birthday mid January... at least I'll be able to rent a car now, right?
